Blog: hack: my fix for the scroll-to-top issue with jquery mobile transitions
i hate that every time i go to another page in jqm, the page scrolls to the top. i understand why it does that, but it still bugs me. so here’s a dirty hack for you. (and yes, it involves setting the next page to fixed position… eeeeeeewwwwwww)
it ait pretty, but it works.
function noScrollSlide(name, reverse, $to, $from) { var deferred = new $.Deferred() toScroll = $('body').scrollTop(), toClasses = reverse ? ' slide in reverse' : ' slide in', fromClasses = reverse ? ' slide out reverse' : ' slide out'; $from.addClass( fromClasses ); $to.css({position:'fixed'}).addClass( $.mobile.activePageClass + toClasses ); $to.animationComplete(function(){ $from.removeClass($.mobile.activePageClass).add($to).removeClass('slide in out reverse'); window.scrollTo(0,0); $to.css({position: 'inherit'}); deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise(); } $.mobile.transitionHandlers["slide"] = noScrollSlide;
Daniela says: Ciao Michelangelo,
I’m having the same issue. Do you have an online demo of the code?
Michelangelo Capraro says: Hi Daniela, just the code above unfortunately – it was a past project
jacky says: Hi michel, where to add these codes?
I add the codes to the js bottom, but happened the errors.
plz advise.