Connected Worlds Oscar and I participated in our third game jam, Ludum Dare 30! The theme of the game jam was “connected worlds” and both of our entries were for the 48-hour competition. Once again, we had a blast! It was frantic and crazy and that’s part of the fun. We also learned a lot,… Read the Rest
My son (9 year old Oscar) and I participated in our second Ludum Dare Game Jam, #29, and it was, once again, a really rewarding and insightful experience. (Click here to read about our first game jam). As a refresher, the premise of the competition part of the Jam is to create a video game… Read the Rest
the Ludum Dare #28 game jam is over. it was an amazing time actually. surprisingly fun. the 48 hour constraint is just so awesome! (you can see the final entry here) i think the constraint appeals to me as a designer, where constraints seem to fuel the creativity, it seems to give me an obstacle… Read the Rest
I think the last time I made a real game, one that people play and get points etc, was over a decade ago. At the time there were no gaming frameworks, we just created these little web games the best way we knew how. Today, the games are so much more sophisticated and while I’ve… Read the Rest
wow, it’s been a long while since i made a post here. well, lately i’ve been feeling a real desire to make some little games. i have a ton of ideas that sit dormant for years (like 10 years!) and i really want to bring some of them to life. i also want to lear… Read the Rest
july has come and it means i’m switching my focus back to kidoodle apps work. i am super excited but also cramming months of work into 4 weeks… hopefully i can make some magic happen 🙂
As I slowly return to development (after focusing for months on our client work), I couldn’t help thinking about how we use technology today as in the workplace vs. how we use it in learning. For kids in school, screens are still a destination. For adults, however, we tend to integrate technology as tools throughout… Read the Rest
i have presented work to clients for years. almost 20. i rarely get psyched out by it. am ever only slightly nervous. presenting kidoodle apps stuff however has me totally flummoxed, totally stumbling for words. why is it so hard? one theory is that it’s so near and dear to my heart, so personal and… Read the Rest
i hate that every time i go to another page in jqm, the page scrolls to the top. i understand why it does that, but it still bugs me. so here’s a dirty hack for you. (and yes, it involves setting the next page to fixed position… eeeeeeewwwwwww) it ait pretty, but it works. function… Read the Rest
so i found this great starting point for adding swipe row functionality to jquery mobile lists basically, bind a function to a swipe event and then have that function remove the swipe binding, add a close function binding (a reverse of that swipe) then do some animation on that list row by appending some absolutely positioned dom… Read the Rest
Carl is really hearing voices! I was so sick of having to look this up every time, i just cant remember it! background:#ffffff url(‘img_tree.png’) no-repeat right top; So here is a way of remembering that i will probably never use. Color, Image, Repeat, Horizontal Starting Point, Vertical Starting Point
working on prototyping a web app in jquery mobile and lots of searches to work around or get the right answer for certain little nitpicky issues… Splash Screens on iOS ok, here is a good rundown of the right tags for iOS splashscreens when the app is in web app mode. NOTE: the images have… Read the Rest
…so i can keep track of the stuff i fix, discover, bang my head against. maybe there will be useful stuff for others. most likely just stuff i will search for again in a few months on another project 😉
just read a new review of my app, and its the only 1-star review, and they actually liked the app but didnt like the background music. so they 1-starred it. never contacted me about the issue (there is a support link on the app store page even). ugh.
Ok, I like this way of doing a multi-user scribble app than my previous idea. Back to photoshop I go…
man, why these inconsistencies in air 3.2? i want the speed and i’m happy to have it, but i dont want to spend hours debugging the dev tools. c’mon adobe! for mobile app devs using AIR 3.2, if you are testing and getting a black screen, and you have renderMode=direct and fullscreen=true, then set rendermode=cpu… Read the Rest
so in AIR 3, i made the switch from CPU mode to GPU mode and saw a little bump. it was running well in CPU mode already so i stayed there as previous to AIR 3, GPU mode didn’t work constantly. now, AIR 3.2 changes it again. GPU mode flies, but all draw commands are… Read the Rest